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Reimagining what it means to work

Teams and communities using Netscape fundamentally unlock a reality of work that reimagines how people engage in economic opportunity, meeting the demands and expectations of a modern organization.

Modern workforce

Multistakeholder governance aligns members with the collective wider community.

Meritocratic by design

Tokenized ownership aligns deeply committed individuals with the collective’s success.

Engineered for resilience

Netscape supports best practices in sociocratic management. Omni-Channel environments for real-time communication.

Kickstart a collective
with your co-founders.

It’s the early days, you just had a long conversation with two friends about a meaningful challenge that you’re all passionate about and have a potential solution for. You’re ready to embark the startup journey.

Onboard users, investors
and advisors as you grow

You’ve bootstrapped and delivered an MVP, and some investors and advisors are interested in having a chat with you. As an Open Enterprise, you can onboard them seamlessly into your digital organization and align them with your success.

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Engage highly committed

You need talented people on-demand across various tasks that your full-time workforce can’t prioritize at the moment. As an collective, you can easily fund tasks and have people apply to work on them in return for funds or shares.

Future of communication
collaboration and consultation.

A digital nerve center of collaboration, knowledge management, learning and productivity. Designed to provide omni-channel environments for real time communication, interaction, discussion and publication using recent advances in modern digital technologies. The focus towards which the unifying forces of decentralised networks and digital experiences will converge and from which its energizing influences will radiate.

Start a Netscape?

If you can’t wait to run a new or existing organization on Netscape and are willing to explore and navigate the beta, we’d love to get you started.